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SubjectRe: [rfc] no ZERO_PAGE?
On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 22:37:29 PDT, William Lee Irwin III said:

> The actual phenomenon of concern here is dense matrix code with sparse
> matrix inputs. The matrices will typically not be vast but may span 1MB
> or so of RAM (1024x1024 is 1M*sizeof(double), and various dense matrix
> algorithms target ca. 300x300). Most of the time this will arise from
> the use of dense matrix code as black box solvers called as a library
> by programs not terribly concerned about efficiency until something
> gets explosively inefficient (and maybe not even then), or otherwise
> numerically naive programs. This, however, is arguably the majority of
> the usage cases by end-user invocations, so beware, though not too much.

Amen, brother! :)

At least in my environment, the vast majority of matrix code is actually run by
graduate students under the direction of whatever professor is the Principal
Investigator on the grant. As a rule, you can expect the grad student to know
about rounding errors and convergence issues and similar program *correctness*
factors. But it's the rare one that has much interest in program *efficiency*.
If it takes 2 days to run, that's 2 days they can go get another few pages of
thesis written while they wait. :)

The code that gets on our SystemX (a top-50 supercomputer still) is usually
well-tweaked for efficiency. However, that's just one system - there's on the
order of several hundred smaller compute clusters and boxen and SGI-en on
campus where "protect the system from cargo-cult programming by grad students"
is a valid kernel goal. ;)

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