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SubjectScheduling in interrupt and call trace
Hi all:

I am tracking a driver bug in arm linux when I got a scheduling in
interrupt context

I traced into kernel schedule() function, and found that "schedulingin
interrupt" is a
check point when the process scheduler is invoked, and the callstack
reveals that
the scheduler is invoked due to semaphore down().

After that, the program counter must located in BUG(), that is something like
"(void *)0 = 0" if we really do scheduling in interrupt contxt, and
should cause
the kernel to panic. However, what i got is that the latest program
counter is located within the do_IRQ() context when the kernel was
crashed . But it
seems that the stack trace is a kernel stack of process context since
the bottom of the stack is ret_from_syscall. (I have not enabled the
frame pointer when compiling the kernel, instead, I back traced by
manually inspect each 32 bit value
from the output of objdump) , and I think that the latest PC should
point to the next instruction of "(void *) 0 = 0".

Is there any possibility with which we got this incorrect information,
or I have
misunderstanding about "kernel system to interrupt context switch?

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