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SubjectRe: [RFC] How to (automatically) find the correct maintainer(s)
Stefan Richter wrote:
> On 15 Jan, Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
>> Stefan Richter wrote:
>>> On 14 Jan, Richard Knutsson wrote:
>>>> (Really liked the idea to have a "Maintainer"-button
>>>> next to "Help" in *config)
>>> Rhetorical question: What will this button be used for?
>> Having "all(tm)" information of something in one place?
> Or, "click here to say 'it does not work'"?
> My rhetorical question wasn't about what it is intended for, but what
> people would think it was intended for if it was there.
I think it could be practical to have an easy access to whom is
responsible for a driver and which mailinglist its development is
addressed to, both for people interested in helping develop the driver
and those who got an error (or fan-mail :).
>> I think adding the Maintainers-data is more or less a logical next step.
>> It's not always clear from the MAINTAINERS-file who is the right person
>> for what. Especially as it is a rather large text-file with only
>> mediocre search-friendlieness. It's a 3.5 K-lines file!
>> So when you know that you have a problem with drivers X, wouldn't it be
>> great if you could just "go to" the driver in *config and see not only
>> the Help-Text but the Maintainers-Data also.
> Seems more like what you actually want to have there is links to users'
> mailinglists or forums.
> When this thread started, it was about assisting authors in submitting
> patches.
Yes, this is a bit out of scope, but just realized a simple way to
implement it if using the CONFIG_FLAG-approach, just "grep" after the
flag, under which the user hit the "Maintainer"-button, in the
MAINTAINER-file. Also, I think this solves the handler-problem since an
entry can have multiple CONFIG_FLAG's stated.

I don't think we should add the maintainer-entries directly in Kconfig,
as you Stefan stated, because it is for configure the kernel. With the
above approach, it will just require minor fixes in the "make *config"
to handle it.

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