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SubjectRe: Kernel Hackers Guide to git (v3)
On Sat, 25 Jun 2005 01:13:46 EDT, Jeff Garzik said:

> Kernel Hackers' Guide to git
> 1) installing git

A nice document. Unfortunately, my brain is tiny, and there's some
usage questions you don't cover, and I can't seem to figure out myself...

Let's say I've cloned Linus's git tree, and now I want to build a kernel
that has Linus's stuff, the 'audit' tree that's (last I checked) located at, and another tree (foobar-2.6).

1) How do I do this merge?

2) How do I handle if an audit-2.6 and foobar-2.6 patch conflict -
a) for right now...
b) so it gets it right the *next* time I pull both and there's a collision
(possibly between the next foobar-2.6 changeset and my modification of
the previous changeset's results to clean the conflict)

Another (possibly even more important to me at the moment) usage question:

I have a non-git 2.6.12-mm1 tree. Given a Linus git tree and an audit-2.6 git
tree, how do I create a tree that contains "2.6.12-mm1 plus additional
audit-2.6 changes since Andrew cut -mm1"? (I'm chasing a bug that was
supposedly fixed in userspace audit-0.9.10, but is still borked for me in
0.9.13 - I'm suspecting the bugfix is dependent on a divergence between the
Fedora kernel (basically 2.6.12-git5 for this discussion) and -mm1...)

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