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SubjectRe: FYI: my current bigdiff
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>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Seyfried <> writes:

Stefan> Bjorn Helgaas wrote:

>> I'm completely ignorant about how swsusp works; I guess this is my
>> chance to learn. "pci=routeirq" just causes us to do all the PCI
>> ACPI IRQ routing at boot-time, before the drivers start up. This
>> happens in pci_acpi_init(), which is a subsys_initcall that is run
>> at initial boot-time, but (I assume) not during a resume.

Stefan> a resume is basically a fresh boot, including hardware
Stefan> initialization by the compiled-in drivers (but not modules)
Stefan> but before starting init / entering initrd, the old system
Stefan> state is read from swap, copied back and somehow we continue
Stefan> where we left off at suspend time. Now the resume methods of
Stefan> all device drivers are called, processes are restarted and we
Stefan> are back in the game. (At least this is how i understood it
Stefan> all :-)

Stefan> I can easily imagine that a driver with a slightly broken
Stefan> suspend / resume method may fail without pci=routeirq if it
Stefan> does not do the irq routing correctly during resume. It may
Stefan> work with pci=routeirq since then everything is prepared for
Stefan> it before the resume actually happens.

Yeah, that seems to be the case... the prism54 and usb-hcd drivers
might expect the irq to already be allocated, and when it's not on
resume they freak out.

Stefan> Kevin may get away with unloading the usb host controller and
Stefan> the prism54 drivers before suspend and reloading them after
Stefan> resume.

alas, no.

Unloading and reloading doesn't help.
It looks like they don't re-allocate their irq resources on reload, so
they freak out.

See the dmesg output I just posted showing the issue.

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