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    SubjectRe: [PATCH] CDRW packet writing support for 2.6.7-bk13
    On Sonntag, 11. Juli 2004 03:06, Peter Osterlund wrote:
    > OK, I'll create a patch that gets rid of the ioctl interface and uses
    > an auxiliary character device instead to control device bindings.

    I don't think that's a good idea either. It will solve the udev problem,
    but it essentially means you're sneaking in system calls through the
    back door here.

    Maybe we can decide on one of the following approaches (or yet another

    - Do the ioctl call on the cdrom device through cdrom_ioctl() instead of
    the pktcdvd driver. You need to hook into the cdrom driver subsystem,
    but leave everything else as it is today.
    - Register all cdrom devices with pktcdvd as soon as they are detected.
    This needs some more changes to the cdrom subsystem, but gets rid of
    the need for the pktsetup interface because you can do the setup stuff
    at open time.
    - Merge pktcdvd completely into the cdrom subsystem so the existing cdrom
    device node passes everything down to pktcdvd if an RW medium is mounted

    Arnd <><
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