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SubjectRe: [4KSTACK][2.6.6] Stack overflow in radeonfb
Forgot Anton's ppc64 port in the description.


Victory in war is not repetitious.
-- Sun Tzu

o Fix the misparsing on *.ko noticed by Andrew Morton.
o Slightly simplify the output format.
o Slightly simplify the code
o Added ppc64 architecture (re by Anton Blanchard)

Signed-off-by: Jörn Engel <> | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
1 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

--- linux-2.6.6mm5/scripts/ 2004-05-26 00:35:53.000000000 +0200
+++ linux-2.6.6mm5/scripts/ 2004-05-26 00:45:18.000000000 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
# Mips port by Juan Quintela <>
# IA64 port via Andreas Dilger
# Arm port by Holger Schurig
+# Random bits by Matt Mackall <>
# Usage:
# objdump -d vmlinux | [arch]
@@ -16,11 +17,10 @@
# TODO : Port to all architectures (one regex per arch)

# check for arch
-# $re is used for three matches:
+# $re is used for two matches:
# $& (whole re) matches the complete objdump line with the stack growth
-# $1 (first bracket) matches the code that will be displayed in the output
-# $2 (second bracket) matches the size of the stack growth
+# $1 (first bracket) matches the size of the stack growth
# use anything else and feel the pain ;)
@@ -33,25 +33,28 @@
$xs = "[0-9a-f ]"; # hex character or space
if ($arch =~ /^arm$/) {
#c0008ffc: e24dd064 sub sp, sp, #100 ; 0x64
- $re = qr/.*(sub.*sp, sp, #(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2}))/o;
+ $re = qr/.*sub.*sp, sp, #(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2})/o;
} elsif ($arch =~ /^i[3456]86$/) {
#c0105234: 81 ec ac 05 00 00 sub $0x5ac,%esp
- $re = qr/^.*(sub \$(0x$x{3,5}),\%esp)$/o;
+ $re = qr/^.*sub \$(0x$x{3,5}),\%esp$/o;
} elsif ($arch =~ /^ia64$/) {
#e0000000044011fc: 01 0f fc 8c adds r12=-384,r12
- $re = qr/.*(adds.*r12=-(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2}),r12)/o;
+ $re = qr/.*adds.*r12=-(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2}),r12/o;
} elsif ($arch =~ /^mips64$/) {
#8800402c: 67bdfff0 daddiu sp,sp,-16
- $re = qr/.*(daddiu.*sp,sp,-(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2}))/o;
+ $re = qr/.*daddiu.*sp,sp,-(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2})/o;
} elsif ($arch =~ /^mips$/) {
#88003254: 27bdffe0 addiu sp,sp,-32
- $re = qr/.*(addiu.*sp,sp,-(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2}))/o;
+ $re = qr/.*addiu.*sp,sp,-(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2})/o;
} elsif ($arch =~ /^ppc$/) {
#c00029f4: 94 21 ff 30 stwu r1,-208(r1)
- $re = qr/.*(stwu.*r1,-($x{3,5})\(r1\))/o;
+ $re = qr/.*stwu.*r1,-($x{3,5})\(r1\)/o;
+ } elsif ($arch =~ /^ppc64$/) {
+ #XXX
+ $re = qr/.*stdu.*r1,-($x{3,5})\(r1\)/o;
} elsif ($arch =~ /^s390x?$/) {
# 11160: a7 fb ff 60 aghi %r15,-160
- $re = qr/.*(ag?hi.*\%r15,-(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2}))/o;
+ $re = qr/.*ag?hi.*\%r15,-(([0-9]{2}|[3-9])[0-9]{2})/o;
} else {
print("wrong or unknown architecture\n");
@@ -59,10 +62,8 @@

sub bysize($) {
- ($asize = $a) =~ s/$re/\2/;
- ($bsize = $b) =~ s/$re/\2/;
- $asize = hex($asize) if ($asize =~ /^0x/);
- $bsize = hex($bsize) if ($bsize =~ /^0x/);
+ ($asize = $a) =~ s/.* +(.*)$/$1/;
+ ($bsize = $b) =~ s/.* +(.*)$/$1/;
$bsize <=> $asize

@@ -72,12 +73,16 @@
$funcre = qr/^$x* \<(.*)\>:$/;
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
if ($line =~ m/$funcre/) {
- ($func = $line) =~ s/$funcre/\1/;
- chomp($func);
+ $func = $1;
if ($line =~ m/$re/) {
- (my $addr = $line) =~ s/^($xs{8}).*/0x\1/o;
- chomp($addr);
+ my $size = $1;
+ $size = hex($size) if ($size =~ /^0x/);
+ $line =~ m/^($xs*).*/;
+ my $addr = $1;
+ $addr =~ s/ /0/g;
+ $addr = "0x$addr";

my $intro = "$addr $func:";
my $padlen = 56 - length($intro);
@@ -85,9 +90,7 @@
$intro .= ' ';
$padlen -= 8;
- (my $code = $line) =~ s/$re/\1/;
- $stack[@stack] = "$intro $code";
+ $stack[@stack] = "$intro$size\n";
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