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SubjectRe: dma ripping
Jens Axboe wrote:
> You are not being stupid, I think we have a leak in there some where.
> PIO should work just fine. Slower than DMA of course, but it should work
> perfectly of course.

Hi All,

Just a quick "me too" here - though symptoms don't appear to be
identical. Running 2.6.6 on Debian Sid and using nvidia binary modules.
My system doesn't hang, but when I get the log message "cdrom:
dropping to single frame dma" ripping stops working. It still rips but
I get silence - it will rip the track OK, as in read through the correct
track length, but I get silence on the resulting wav file.

Please let me know if I can let you have any information about this problem.

Kind regards,

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