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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Blacklist binary-only modules lying about their license

On Apr 30, 2004, at 11:57 AM, Timothy Miller wrote:
> Quite true. This isn't about religion. It's about people's right to
> choose how they license their the code they write.
> This is about copyright law and our right to choose what others we can
> do with what we have copyrighted.

We fully agree about the importance and sanctity of these rights.

> While I agree that there is a political agenda behind the GPL, we have
> to respect the rights of those who choose to apply it as a license to
> their creative works.

Absolutely and likewise, the rights of those who choose not to release
their own independently developed works under the GPL should be

> And furthermore, having a political agenda is not inherently wrong.

Sure, but it is imho generally better to maintain reasonable balance
and serve the "common good" rather than specific political interests.
However that is purely personal opinion and everyone is free to
choose/practice their political ideals, preferably without stepping
onto others.


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