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    SubjectUTF-8 practically vs. theoretically in the VFS API (was: Re: JFS default behavior)
    [I may be a bit late in response, but AFAICS these points have not yet
    been mentioned]

    On Sat, Feb 14, 2004 at 06:41:20PM -0800, Linus Torvalds <> wrote:
    [discussion on why UTF-8 is the only sane encoding, which I absolutely
    agree with, removed]

    > In short: the kernel talks bytestreams, and that implies that if you want
    > to talk to the kernel, you HAVE TO USE UTF-8.

    This is not the problem at all. It's perfectly easy to write
    applications that talk UTF-8 and just UTF-8 with the kernel.

    The problem is that the kernel does not use UTF-8, i.e. applications in
    the current linux model have to deal with the fact that the kernel
    happily breaks the assumed protocol of using UTF-8 by delivering illegal
    byte sequences to applications.

    There is no way for applications to handle UTF-8 and illegal-utf8 in
    a sane way, so most apps will either eat the illegal bytes, skip the
    filename, or crash (the latter case is clearly a bug in the app, thr
    former cases aren't).

    Fixing the VFS to actually enforce what linus claims (2filenames are
    utf-8") is a very good idea, imho.

    As I understand it, the reason linux currently doesn't, is that this utf-8
    rule was obviously non-enforcable in practise in recent years, since
    UTF-8 simply wasn't widespread (even today, applications such as bash or
    grep are clearly not UTF-8 ready, as they start to crawl in UTF-8 locales
    without special patches, and even with special patches).

    So the only sane way to implement this enforcement is usign an
    additional moutn-flag, e.g. "force-utf8".

    An encoding=xyz mount flag OTOH would be total overkill, as the plan
    must be to switch to UTF-8 in the long run, while allowing deviating
    behaviour in the short run.

    Conversely, filesystems such as NTFS, VFAT etc. need to convert from the
    fs encoding to UTF-8 and vice versa automatically, at least when this
    flag is specified.

    It should become the default in some future linux version.

    > People understand the problem. And UTF-8 is the solution.

    The kernel needs to fully implement it. Just as a kernel accepting:

    open ("directory", O_WRONLY); write (dirfd, ...)...
    open ("/some/file", ...)
    mkdir ("../some/file", ...)

    is considered rather broken behaviour from unix kernels (although these
    might have been allowed in some dialects or versions of unix) today, this:

    mkdir ("</ encoded using illegal multibyte sequence>", ...)

    will be considered broken behaviour in the future. The RFC defining UTF-8
    clearly considers this a bug in UTF-8 implementations, the the kernel
    in fact does NOT implement UTF-8 right now, although some people claim
    that the kernel accepting UTF-8 (and more) is correct behaviour, it isn't
    according to the RFC.

    > It's getting there. I think even Microsoft has seen the light, and is
    > phasing out their crapola (UCS-2LE? Whatever).

    Microsoft and Java officially use UTF-16 nowadays. The funny thing is
    that "next character" iterators in both languages skip to the next word
    in UCS-2, so the claim of both parties of UTF-16 support is basically a
    marketing lie.

    > No. Things like "iocharset" are not the solution. They are literally the
    > _problem_. The solution is to use something that not only acts as ASCII,
    [full agreement]

    > And that one true format is UTF-8. End of story. If you try to talk to the
    > kernel in UCS-2 or anything else, you _will_ fail.

    Just that the kernel does not support UTF-8. It delivers and accepts
    non-UTF-8 strings such as \xc0\x80. The kernel clearly should not deliver
    broken characters when the official stanza is that the linux VFS API is
    UTF-8 only (see 3.2, Chapater 3, C12, conformance, ony why it currently
    isn't UTF-8).

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