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SubjectRe: Linux 2.6.9 pktgen module causes INIT process respawning and sickness

See the comments below. This test uses dual and quad adapters, but
doesn;t get around the
poor design of dev_queue_xmit or the driver layer for xmit packets. The
reasons explained



I've studied these types of problems for years, and I think it's
possible even for Linux. The
problem with small packet sizes on x86 hardware is related to
non-cachable writes to
the adapter ring buffer for preloading of addresses. From my
measurements, I have observed
that the increased memory write traffic increases latency to the point
that the OS is unable to
receive data off the card at high enough rates. With testing against
Linux with a Spirent Smartbits,
at @ 3,00,000 packets per second for 64 byte packets aboutn 80% of the
packets get dropped
at 1000 mbs rates. It's true that Linux is simply incapable of
generating at these rates, but the
reason in Linux is due to poor design at the xmit layer. You see a lot
better behavior at
1500 byte packet sizes, but this is because the card doesnt have to
preload as many addresses
into the ring buffer since you are only dealing with 150,000 packets per
second in the 1500
byte case, not in the millions for the 64 byte case.

Linux uses polling (bad) and the tx queue does not feed packets back to
the adapter on tx cleaning
of the queue via tx complete (or terminal dma count) interrupts
durectly, instead they go through
a semaphore to trigger the next send -- horribly broken for high speed
communications. They should
just post the packets and allow tx complete interrupts to feed them off
the queues. The queue depths
in qdisc are far too short before Linux starts dropping packets
internally. I've had to increase
the depth of tx_queue_len for some apps to work properly without
dropping all the skbs on the floor.

So how to get around this problem. At present, the design of the Intel
drivers allow all the ripe ring buffers
to be reaped at once from a single interrupt. This is very efficient on
the RX side and in fact, with static
tests, I have been able to program the Intel card to accept 64 byte
packets at the maximum rate for
gigabit saturation on Linux provided the ring buffers are loaded with
static addresses. This indicates
the problem in the design is related to the preloading anbd serializing
memory behavior of Intel's
architecture at the ring buffer level on the card. This also means that
Linux on current PC architecture,
(and most OS for that matter) will not be able to sustain 10 gigabit
rates unless the packet sizes get larger
and larger due to the nature of this problem. The solution for he card
vendors is to instrument the
ability to load a descriptor to the card once which contains the
addresses of all the ring buffers
for a session of the card and reap them in A / B lists. i.e. two active
preload memory tables which
contain a listing of preload addresses for receive and when the card
fills one list, it switches to the second
for receives, sends an interruptr, and the ISR loads the next table into
the card.

I see no other way for OS to sustain high packet loading about 500,000
packets per second on Linux
or even come close to dealing with small packets or full 10 gigabite
ethernet without such a model.
The bus speeds are actually fine for dealing with this on current
hardware. The problem is realated
to the serializing behavior of non-cachable memory references on IO
mapped card memory, and this
suggestion could be implemented in Intel Gigabit and 10 gE hardware with
microcode and minor changes
to the DMA designs of their chipsets. It would allow all OS to reach
performance levels of a Smartbits
or even a CISCO router without the need for custom hardware design.

My 2 cents.


Lincoln Dale wrote:

> Jeff,
> you're using commodity x86 hardware. what do you expect?
> while the speed of PCs has increased significantly, there are still
significant bottlenecks when it comes to PCI bandwidth, PCI arbitration
efficiency & # of interrupts/second.
> linux ain't bad -- but there are other OSes which still do slightly
better given equivalent hardware.
> with a PC comes flexibility.
> that won't match the speed of the FPGAs in a Spirent Smartbits,
Agilent RouterTester, IXIA et al ...
> cheers,
> lincoln.

Martin Josefsson wrote:

>On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 23:06, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
>>Additionally, when packets sizes 64, 128, and 256 are selected, pktgen
>>is unable to achieve > 500,000 pps (349,000 only on my system).
>>A Smartbits generator can achieve over 1 million pps with 64 byte
>>packets on gigabit. This is one performance
>>issue for this app. However, at 1500 and 1048 sizes, gigabit saturation
>>is achievable.
>What hardware are you using? 349kpps is _low_ performance at 64byte
>Here you can see Roberts (pktgen author) results when testing diffrent
>e1000 nics at diffrent bus speeds. He also tested 2port and 4port e1000
>cards, the 4port nics have an pci-x bridge...
>I get a lot higher than 349kpps with an e1000 desktop adapter running at

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