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SubjectRe: KM266/VT8235, USB2.0 and problems
On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 11:30:51PM -0600, wrote:
> Hi. I've noticed that intermittently in the past with some devices, and
> now every time with my new USB2.0 thumb drive (aka pen drive, aka flash
> memory thing) that there are errors with the USB on my motherboard. It's
> a M7VIG-PRO, which has a KM266/VT8235 chipset.
> Using kernel 2.6.0, I can only access my flash drive several times before
> getting an error about not being able to access the device. The dmesg
> output is below. When I try on my laptop, which has an EHCI USB2.0
> controller, the device works flawlessly. There are no errors, etc.
> I am using a USB keyboard and a USB mouse. Both work fine.
> I've tried several combinations of connecting the device, with and without
> the "noapic" kernel option while booting. I've connected the device to
> the motherboard's USB sockets (ie the ones soldered to the board, not via
> wires to the case), through a USB2.0 hub, etc. I get the same result
> every time.
> I've included the relevant parts of "dmesg" and "dmidecode". Please cc:
> me on responses, since I'm not subscribed, and let me know what to try
> next.

Do the errors go away if you stop using devfs?


greg k-h
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