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SubjectRe: 2.6.0: something is leaking memory

On Sun, 4 Jan 2004, Erik Hensema wrote:
> The leak can be most easily seen in my rrdtool graphs of memory
> usage: and
> - try to guess
> when I switched to 2.6.0-test11 ;-)
> At Dec 31 I upgraded to 2.6.0-final.
> Output from ps aux, /proc/vmstat and /proc/meminfo, are attached.
> My .config isn't compiled in and I haven't got it at hand
> currently. If anyone is interested I can post it tomorrow.

Can you do /proc/slabinfo too?

Clearly the memory leak isn't in the page cache, so the most likely source
is network buffers, and most likely in iptables connection tracking or
similar. If you actually _use_ IPv6, then that is also more likely to have
leaks just due to less testing.

David & co fixed a number of leaks just before 2.6.0-final, but that
doesn't mean that they are all gone - rather it means that there
definitely were still leaks around just a few weeks ago.

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