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SubjectRe: [PATCH][TRIVIAL] Remove bogus "value 0x37ffffff truncated to 0x37ffffff" warning.
Davide Libenzi wrote:
>>I tried that first, before I came up with the solution in the patch,
>>because I didn't like the dependency of 0xFFFFFFFF being 32-bit. It was
>>a nice idea, but it didn't work. Apparently, gas interprets ~ as a one's
>>complement negation operator, not a bitwise or. Therefore,
>>~__PAGE_OFFSET is just as negative as -__PAGE_OFFSET as far as gas is
>>concerned. It gives me the same warning.
> That would mean a bug in as. __PAGE_OFFSET is unsigned and ~ is documented
> (not a surprise) as "bitwise not". The bitwise not of __PAGE_OFFSET
> (unsigned) is still unsigned. BTW 2.14 does not give warnings with both
> the original statement and the ~ one. This:
> PG=0xC0000000
> VM=(128 << 20)
> mov (~PG + 1 - VM), %eax
> mov (-PG - VM), %eax
> generate this:
> zzzzzzzz: file format elf32-i386
> Disassembly of section .text:
> 00000000 <.text>:
> 0: a1 00 00 00 38 mov 0x38000000,%eax
> 5: a1 00 00 00 38 mov 0x38000000,%eax
> w/out any warnings. And the result is obviously 0x38000000 and
> not 0x37ffffff.

I get the same behaviour. The 0x37ffffff is from the place where MAXMEM
is used (the ramdisk_max variable in setup.S); it subtracts one from the
value. It turns out that the error only occurs when the value is used in
a data definition. Experimentally found first value for which it gives
the error is:

ramdisk_max: .long ~(0x80000000)

Interestingly, it doesn't occur for 0x7fffffff. I've taken a look at gas
to see where it goes wrong, but my newly built version doesn't exhibit
this behaviour -- it compiles the above statement without warnings. It
might have to do with the differences between the build environment that
the Debian binutils package is built in and my own machine -- I'll do
some more investigating.

-- Bart
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