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SubjectRe: problems in kernel 2.4.20 stat() seems to return always size zero for any fifo (named pipe)
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, jds wrote:

> Hi:
> I have a problem using stat() with kernel 2.4.20
> The size of ANY fifo is always 0.
> There is no backward compatibility.
> Probably it is a kernel bug in this particular version.
> The problem shows up when using the ls, stat commands.
> How reproducible:
> Always

Have you ever tried this before? I'm not aware that stat
or lstat is supposed to return the byte-count of a pipe
of FIFO. It certainly doesn't on my Sun SunOS 5.5.1 or
Linux 2.4.18. In fact, the Sun prevents ^Z when reading
the FIFO interactively so your script won't test it.

The second echo "abcd" >xx blocks so the pipe never
accepts anything anyway, there are never any "bytes-
in-the-pipe" that should be visible anyway. You can't
write to a pipe until a reader is reading, and if the
reader is suspended, there is no requirement for writing
to be buffered, i.e., a write to be accepted for such
a pipe.

Pipes do not work like you propose and, if they ever did,
that was the bug.

> Expected Results: prw-rw-r-- 1 kostadin kostadin 5 Feb 21 13:54 xx
> In Kernel 2.4.18-X the RedHat work perfect,
> e inclusive in 2.4.20-X the Redhat
> beta 8.0.94

Linux 2.4.18 does not accept writes to a pipe when a reader is
not actively reading. As such, a byte-count cannot exist.

If you have a program that expects a byte-count from a FIFO,
the program is broken. FIFOs must have readers before any
writes are accepted.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.18 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
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