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    SubjectRe: Catching NForce2 lockup with NMI watchdog
    On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Maciej W. Rozycki wrote:

    > On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, George Anzinger wrote:
    > > > Hmm, you could have simply asked... ;-) Anyway, an inclusion is doable,
    > > > I guess.
    > >
    > > I suspect I did, but most likey the wrong place. In any case, I would like to
    > > think that "read the source, Luke" is the right answer.
    > Certainly it is, but not necessarily the only one. ;-)
    > > So, while I am in the asking mode, is there a simple way to turn off the PIT
    > > interrupt without changing the PIT program? I would like a way to stop the
    > > interrupts AND also stop the NMIs that it generates for the watchdog. I suspect
    > > that this is a bit more complex that it would appear, due to how its wired.
    > Well, in PC/AT compatible implementations, the counter #0 of the PIT has
    > its gate hardwired to active, so you cannot mask the PIT output itself.
    > So the only other choices are either reprogramming the counter to a mode
    > that won't cause periodic triggers (which is probably the easiest way, but
    > you don't want to do that for some purpose, right?) or reprogramming
    > interrupt controllers not to accept interrupts arriving from the PIT.
    > Note that Linux may behave strangely then. ;-)

    Masking OFF the timer channel 0 in the interrupt controller
    is probably the easiest thing to do. The port is read-write,
    and the OCW default to having it accessible.

    movw $0x21, %dx # Controller 0, mask register
    inb %dx, %al # Get mask
    orb $1, %al # Mask off bit 0
    outb %al, %dx # Write it back

    You can reenable by:

    movw $0x21, %dx
    inb %dx, %al
    andb $~1, %al
    outb %al, %dx

    With port numbers less that 256, you actually don't need the
    DX register but I forget if the AT&T assembler needs a $ before
    the port number when doing this.

    Dick Johnson
    Penguin : Linux version 2.4.22 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
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