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    SubjectRe: [RFC] possible erronous use of tick_usec in do_gettimeofday
    Joe Korty wrote:
    > On Tue, Nov 25, 2003 at 11:57:55AM -0800, George Anzinger wrote:
    >>Joe Korty wrote:
    >>>test10's version of do_gettimeofday is using tick_usec which is
    >>>defined in terms of USER_HZ not HZ.
    >>We still have the problem that we are doing this calculation in usecs while
    >>the wall clock uses nsecs. This would be fine if there were an even number
    >>of usecs in tick_nsec, but in fact it is somewhat less than (USEC_PER_SEC /
    >>HZ). This means that this correction (if we are behind by 7 or more ticks)
    >>will push the clock past current time. Here are the numbers:
    >>tick_nsec =999849 or 1ms less 151 ns. So if we are behind 7 or more ticks
    >>we will report the time out 1 us too high. (7 * 151 = 1057 or 1.057 usec).
    >>Question is, do we care? Will we ever be 7ms late in updating the wall
    >>clock? As I recall, the wall clock is updated in the interrupt handler for
    >>the tick so, to be this late, we would need to suffer a long interrupt hold
    >>off AND the tick recovery code would need to have done its thing. But this
    >>whole time is covered by a write_seqlock on xtime_lock, so how can this
    >>even happen? Seems like it is only possible when we are locked and we then
    >>throw the whole thing away.
    >>A test I would like to see is to put this in the code AFTER the read unlock:
    >>if (lost )
    >> printk("Lost is %d\n", lost);
    >>(need to pull " unsigned long lost;" out of the do{}while loop to do
    >>In short, I think we are beating a dead issue.
    > There are other issues too: the 'lost' calculation is a prediction
    > over the next 'lost' number of ticks. That prediction will be wrong
    > if 1) adjtime goes to zero within that interval or, 2) adjtime was
    > zero but went nonzero in that interval due to a adjtimex(2) call.
    > Despite these flaws the patch replaces truly broken code with code
    > that is good but slightly inaccurate, which is good enough for now.

    Can you prove that "lost" is EVER non-zero in a case we care about? I.e. a case
    where the read_seq will exit the loop?

    I could be wrong here, but I don't think it can happen. That is why I suggested
    the if(lost) test.

    George Anzinger
    Preemption patch:

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