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SubjectRe: ReiserFS Bug Fixes 3 of 6 (Please apply all 6)
I am confused, the bk patches look like they have normal patches at the 
top of them. Does he just need to use patch -p1 or is there a deeper
screwiness to these patches that he refers to?

We did this because my security/sysadmin specialist (flx) is not
enthusiastic about having a semi-closed source network service offering
process running on the machine which holds our source code and website
without any IP filters guarding it. Especially when it is as
complicated as a version control system needs to be.

We were planning on setting up a clone for non-Namesys users outside our
firewall, but we need for Linus's access to be just as secure as ours.
I am not sure what to do, let's see what flx says.


PS for Larry (Persons not interested in licensing issues should not read

Keeping source code secret is the worst part of the proprietary model.
It prevents knowledge from accumulating, and it is an abuse of the
original intention of copyright law, which was to encourage people to
not keep knowledge secret. I know that piracy has caused you to keep
the source code secret, but piracy is a problem for all software (even
GPL software, as proprietary software vendors frequently steal it).
Please don't let a few bad experiences lead you down the trade secret
route that copyright and patent laws were designed to let us escape from.

Secret source code is a form of social lockout, and avoiding that
lockout is the civil rights issue of our day. This will only become
more and more important in the coming generations, as our shadows in
cyberspace become more solid, and firmer in their replication of our
evils. Lockout of programs, and of persons who modify programs, is
going to be the most important civil rights issue of your lifetime. Are
you sure you are standing where you want to stand on that issue?

Another model you might consider, one which would probably make you more
money, make us happier, and better avoid "freeloaders", would be to make
bitkeeper free for use with free software only. This would be rather
similar to what I use for reiserfs, which is free for use with free
operating systems only, and available for a fee for all others. It
allows you to "do unto others as they would do unto you" (The Reiser
Rule ;-) ).


Larry McVoy wrote:

>On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 01:48:30PM -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:
>>On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Hans Reiser wrote:
>>>This changeset is to fix several reiserfs problems which can be
>>>fixed in non-intrusive way.
>>Please don't use bk patches, they have turned out to be pretty much
>I suspect that the problem is that BK won't let you accept a patch unless
>the receiving repository has the parent of the patch. In other words,
>this won't work:
> bk clone bk://
> <make some changes>
> bk commit (or bk citool) # creates changeset 1.800
> <make some changes>
> bk commit (or bk citool) # creates changeset 1.801
> # Now you want to send the second patch to Linus so you do a:
> bk send -r+ - | mail
>That will fail when Linus tries to accept the patch, because he doesn't
>have your 1.800.
>The easiest thing is to do what he suggests:
>>Either make a (controlled) bk tree available for pulling, or just use
>>old-fashioned patches.
>and if you want to go the "tree for pulling", you can either point him at
>a BK url you maintain, or you are welcome to go grab
>and stash it there. See for information
>on how to set up a project here.
>At some point, we'll package up the whole infrastructure as an
>installable RPM (not the project data, the infrastructure), and you'll be
>able to do this at or something like that, but
>right now we're just too overworked to do so.

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