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SubjectRe: [IDEA+RFC] Possible solution for min()/max() war
Brad Chapman <> writes:

|> Everyone,
|> From reading this thread, I believe I have come up with several reasons,
|> IMHO, why the old min()/max() macros were not usable:
|> - They did not take into account non-typesafe comparisons
|> - They were too generic
|> - Some versions, IIRC, relied on typeof()
|> - They did not take into account signed/unsigned conversions
|> I have also discovered one problem with the new three-arg min()/max()
|> macro: it forces both arguments to be the same, thus preventing signed/unsigned
|> comparisons.

There is no such thing as signed/unsigned comparision in C. Any
comparison is either signed or unsigned, depending on whether the common
type of arguments after applying the usual arithmetic conversions is
signed or unsigned.

|> Thus, I have a humble idea: add another type argument!

This does not bye you anything because the there can only be one common
type anyway.


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