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SubjectRe: Athlon Thunderbird, Abit KT7 Raid, Kernel 2.4: DESKTOP FROZEN!
> My box: Athlon Thunderbird 900 MHz, MotherboardAbit KT7 Raid,
> Kernel 2.4 (the one that comes with Red Hat 7.1 no updates)
> I get apparently random desktop freezing.

Hmm, I have a similar machine.
K7-800, KT7 RAID, 2.4.5 kernel (was .0 at install time).

> Last time:
> I was just doing nothing so the screensaver
> was on when I noticed the screen was frozen. Nor the keyboard
> neither the mouse worked. No combination of CTRL-ALT keys.
> Only choice left: reset. I did it. When it booted again I got a
> Kernel Panic: Attempted to kill the idle task
> In idle: not syncing.

Err.. attempted to kill the idle task? Are you sure you don't have an
overheating processor?

> (by the way: what is the SysRq magic or something similar?
> Does it help? Which keys??)

SysRq will only help if the machine is responsive; and then even still
it's not going to correct issues like overheating processors and etc.

> Is this really a KDE problem? I myself doubt...
> It could be a kernel problem or maybe hardware (I checked
> all the ram and removed one, but freezing is still there)

Shhouldn't be a problem with KDE. It *could* be with X, since (unless
you're using the framebuffer driver), it's directly accessing the

Try starting up to a console and building a kernel with fb support, and
then use X through that and see if that solves any problems. (I haven't
had a single crash since; just that, for some reason, the sysrq key gets
disabled on startup and occasionally a framebuffer program will crash and
take my keyboard along with it. "Oops".)

> Thanks for any help, I am in trouble!!
> Antonio
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