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SubjectRe: [RFD w/info-PATCH] device arguments from lookup, partion code

On Sun, 20 May 2001, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> No, but the point is, everybody _would_ consider it a bug if a
> low-level driver "write()" did anything but touched the explicit buffer.
> Code like that would not pass through anybody's yuck-o-meter. People would
> point fingers and say "That is not a legal write() function". Anybody who
> tried to make write() follow pointers would be laughed at as a stupid git.

Linus, as much as I'd like to agree with you, you are hopeless optimist.
90% of drivers contain code written by stupid gits.

> Anybody who makes "ioctl()" do the same is just following years of
> standard practice, and the yuck-o-meter doesn't even register.

Nobody reads the drivers. Because otherwise yuck-o-meters would go off-scale.

How about yuck value of the
* removing a file by writing "-1" into it?
* mkdir() populating directory.
* unlink() not working in said directory.
* rmdir() happily removing it. And freeing all associated structures.
Opened files? What opened files? Whaddya mean, "oops"?

How about sprintf(s + strlen(s), foo)?

How about a collection of b0rken strtoul() implementations? Including one
that contains
switch (...) {
case 48:
case 49:
(all 22 cases)

How about declaring global array and comparing it with NULL?

How about the whole binfmt_misc.c?


Linus, I've been doing exactly that (reading through the large parts of
tree) and trust me, yuck-o-meter was off-scale almost permanently. Level
of idiocy in the obvious bugs is such that I bet you anything that code
had never been really read through by anyone who knew C.

I would love it if more people actually cared to read the fscking code.
Too few are doing that.

And yes, it's a psychological problem, not a technical one. Oh, well...

Sorry about the rant - I've just spent a couple of hours wading through
the piles of excrements in drivers/*. Ouch.

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