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SubjectVM test on 2.4.16 (SMP)

Kernel: 2.4.16 (SMP)
Total mem: 9GB
Total Swap: 5GB
Total CPU: 2 (Pentium III coppermine)
Total exec time: 24Hrs

I executed my memory management and NFS tests on linux-2.4.16

The tests can be found on ltp web site,, under ../testcases/kernel/
mem/... and .../testcases/kernel/network/nfs/nfsstress/...

The programs do the following:

1) mmap a file of size = sizeof(char) * 1000000000; as shared and private
mapping. (anonymous memory map)

3) mmap a file of same size shared.

4) memory race conditions tests.

5) spawn 30 threads, each thread mallocs memory in a loop size is either
powers of 2,3,or 7 or size = numbers in fibbanoci series.

6) Also I am generating a lot of disk I/O and compiles (invoking cc) by
running my make_tree (NFS client) test over NFS. (details about the test
available in the source .../testcases/kernel/network/nfs/nfsstress/

The memory tests are executed as separate processes as a normal user "manjo".
The nfs test is executed as a root process on nfs version 2.

The tests were set to execute for a period of 24 hours. I noticed that the
network was taken down, my telnet sessions that were displaying out put of
top command hung. The reboot command hung after the message "shutting down
Now..." I waited for well over 30 mts and then had to hit the button to
reboot the machine.

Here are some statics I gathered with sar.

I/O and transfer rate statistics.
16:36:46 tps rtps wtps bread/s bwrtn/s
Average: 125.66 77.85 47.81 4841.12 18308.66

paging statistics.
16:36:46 pgpgin/s pgpgout/s activepg inadtypg inaclnpg inatarpg
Average: 2420.56 9154.25 42606 0 0 0

process creation activity.
16:36:46 proc/s
Average: 5.08

activity for each block device
16:36:46 DEV tps blks/s
Average: dev8-0 125.66 23149.78

network statistics.
* statistics from the network devices
16:36:46 IFACE rxpck/s txpck/s rxbyt/s txbyt/s rxcmp/s txcmp/s
Average: eth0 43.08 43.73 7272.78 6252.29 0.00 0.00

* statistics on failures (errors) from the network devices
16:36:46 IFACE rxerr/s txerr/s coll/s rxdrop/s txdrop/s txcarr/s
rxfram/s rxfifo/s txfifo/s
Average: eth0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00

* statistics on sockets in use
16:36:46 totsck tcpsck udpsck rawsck ip-frag
Average: 48 17 14 1 0

queue length and load averages.
16:36:46 runq-sz plist-sz ldavg-1 ldavg-5
Average: 22 114 37.65 37.54

memory and swap space utilization statistics
16:36:46 kbmemfree kbmemused %memused kbmemshrd kbbuffers kbcached kbswpfree
kbswpused %swpused
Average: 173006 856350 83.19 0 1200 398900 429595
108541 20.17

memory statistics.
16:36:46 frmpg/s shmpg/s bufpg/s campg/s
Average: 0.04 0.00 -0.00 -0.07

CPU utilization.
16:36:46 CPU %user %nice %system %idle
Average: all 5.89 0.00 64.94 29.17
Average: 0 5.99 0.00 64.66 29.35
Average: 1 5.78 0.00 65.23 28.99

status of inode, file and other kernel tables
16:36:46 dentunusd file-sz %file-sz inode-sz super-sz %super-sz dquot-sz
%dquot-sz rtsig-sz %rtsig-sz
Average: 17 53 0.63 921 0 0.00 0
0.00 1 0.10

system switching activity.
16:36:46 cswch/s
Average: 20611.94

swapping statistics.
16:36:46 pswpin/s pswpout/s
Average: 2.37 986.87

Manoj Iyer
The greatest risk is not taking one.

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