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SubjectRe: Booting into /bin/bash
In article <> you wrote:

> I like this idea a lot (the latter - making /dev/console controlling
> tty). On an old SunOS 4 machine I once worked with, a Ctrl-C during the
> execution of rc.sysinit would sent it terminate signals. So when the
> NFS was hanging on mount because of a f***ed up network (or changed ip
> address of server) you could hit ctrl-c during the rc script and the
> mount would be sent the ctrl-c and would terminate, then the rest of the
> rc script would continue (regular shell script behavior if I'm not
> mistaken).

If you look at the sysvinit code, you'll see that rc.sysinit does get
a controlling tty, but the init code blocks all "user" signal (such as
SIGINT) before executing it. I assume this is done to prevent some
security problems, though I question its utility -- it's certainly
useful to ctrl-c out of a screwed up rc.sysinit, and the script can
block those signals itself if it wishes to.


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