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SubjectRe: RLIM_INFINITY inconsistency between archs
In article <> you writes:
> wrote:
>> And IMHO to be able to do this, one should have to provide an explicit
>> -I/usr/src/my-kernel/linux/include, it should not be the default.
>I disagree. It makes life far too painful for the end user, for really no gain.

The idea was to make a point, that #include <linux/xxx.h> really is
a kernel/kernel aware application thing only. It ought to reduce the
number of people who try to include kernel only stuff without knowing
that it is a nono most of the time.

It isn't all that hard to add the following lines to the Makefiles
for an application that needs the kernel includes:


And then standardise on /usr/src/linux as the directory where the kernel
includes for the current kernel reside on a distribution. Those who
compile multiple kernels on the same system should be savvy enough to
do "KERNELDIR=/usr/src/my-kernel/linux make" or modify the Makefile.


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