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SubjectRe: Announce: initrd-tftp 0.1
Alex Holden wrote:
> The initial RAM disk tftp support is effectively a complete kernel-space
> TFTP client implementation, configured to load the initial RAM disk with a
> file (currently specified at compile time) obtained from a TFTP server.

Funny, this is precisely the kind of hacks initrd was designed to
obsolete ;-)

If all you want is another RAM disk, you could just put all the tools
you need to download it on an initrd, then construct the RAM disk, and
then mount that one as root. Unless you're really badly limited for
space, this (i.e. a stripped-down user space tftp) should be a lot more
convenient to maintain.

Now, if you need yet another level of indirection, e.g. "static" initrd
-> "variable" initrd -> real root, then you exceed the current design.
I find it somewhat difficult to imaging a case where you absolutely
need to have a full root FS in the middle step, though. (As opposed to
copying some scripts, etc.)

- Werner

/ Werner Almesberger, ICA, EPFL, CH /

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