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SubjectAdaptive thread creation by the kernel
This article talks about blocking due to disk I/O and those languages
that, conceptually at least, use threads as the basic method of
multiplexed I/O (e.g. Java).

Larry McVoy wrote:
> : If they are frequently switching, there must be several processes to
> : switch
> No. You can have this with one process that is blocking on I/O. It happens
> all the time. Think of a relatively low bandwidth network connection.

Oh, I thought I'd covered that case: switching to/from the idle task
doesn't count. Any extra switching time is absorbed into the idle
time. A bit of latency is added, and that increases some queue lengths
which is the reason the switch back (from idle) eventually gets absorbed
by the next idle time. If you add so much overhead to switching that
all the idle time gets eaten up, then surprise you don't go idle any

Blocking on disk I/O is a different matter -- there you have
difficulties because there's no async interface.

> : The thing is, here it's not obviously a user level mistake. Linux
> : threaded applications work the way they do because clone() provides
> : threading facilities and there is no mechanism to help user-level
> : context switching.
> In my experience, if there is a need for user level context switching,
> something is badly broken - either the scheduler or the application or
> both. I've seen this where people were thread-minded enough to allocate
> a thread per logical operation (Sun once had all I/O implemented this
> way, over my screams of protest that allocationg a 16K stack to shepard
> an 8K page out the door was insane; they didn't listen, did it anyway,
> figured out what crazy thing it was, and never shipped that kernel).

In my experience, not everything that behaves like a thread has a stack
or has much overhead.

The extreme lightweight thing, which every video game has, is a list of
objects doing their own thing.

Consider a select() based app which maintains a list of event handler
state machines. The central select loop is like a user space scheduler,
and the state machines like extremely light threads. Most select()
based programs work this way, but the terminology is usually different.

Now, the reason it's useful to pretend that model has anything to do
with "threads" is because when you call one particular fd's event
handler, that handler might do something complicated such as block
reading a file, or due to paging. Things you can't capture in an event
handling loop.

You see that even the canonical "fast select loop" is not 100%
efficient, because some blocking things be dealt with as events.
(The system API doesn't support it).

You can deliberatly spawn real threads for the blockable things --
Netscape and Squid do it for DNS lookup -- but that defeats the point of
an event loop, especially when you don't know which things will block.
Paging is a cause of inefficiency here: you can't tell when a memory
access will block. Reading from a file is the other main cause.

For 100% efficiency, you need to always be ready to handle something,
never an idle CPU. Even paging from disk shouldn't stop your program
from doing other things.

You would like that an event handler which was called from your select
loop to be able to block, and for the select loop to call the other
handlers in the meantime. One way to do that is demand allocation of
stacks by multiple real threads.

Demand allocation of stacks can be done entirely by the application by
things it knows can block. E.g., you have 100 event handlers which you
call in a simple loop: `while (evh) { (evh->fn) (evh, event); evh =
evh->next; }'. One of them (your loop does not know which) decides to
do a blocking operation such as read a file. So you do some fiddly
below-the-hood thing which claims the current stack (on which the loop
code is running) for code doing DNS lookup, and continue the event
handling loop on another stack in another real thread.

This way you automatically get as many stacks, in user space, as you
have things blocking in the kernel, plus a stack for each running
context (1 per processor). No more and no less. And you get the same
number of kernel contexts.

So it's memory efficient.

The only problem here is that you tend to allocate real threads a bit too
aggressively: if reading the file _doesn't_ block, you just wasted a
thread and a whole bunch of context switching and activation cost. On
the other hand, if you don't know that reading memory location X is
going to page in, you can't prepare a real thread to let you get on with
other stuff while that one blocks.

The usual solution that is used is to start more threads than
processors, so that the CPUs are busy when something blocks. But that
results in overscheduling and excessive memory allocated for stacks and
contexts. It's better than not overallocating threads, but it's not as
good as having exactly the right number of threads running at every time.

There is a solution which does have the right number of threads running,
automatically tuned by the kernel. It is very simple, but needs kernel

It's this: when a thread blocks, you wake up another. The other thread
was started and blocked especially for this. The other thread then
carries on pulling things to do from your event list, until the first,
blocked one returns from the kernel. When that happens, someone
receives a signal or some other notification, so that one of the threads
can stop again.

Upon this simple kernel interface can be built automatic allocation
and deallocation of threads, and on that, a simple event handling API
that always has the appropriate number of threads to do the work.

This general scheme will automatically adjust the thread load to fit the
problem and the architecture of your machine. You can have the criteria
for unblocking take account of multiple CPUs, so an application runs a
suitable number of threads to make best use of the entire system without
even knowing the number of processors.

As far as I know, this is the only way to ensure the CPUs have something
to do 100% of the time without unnecessary cost due to redundant

> You really shouldn't be allocating lots and lots of threads, it just never
> makes sense unless you have lots and lots of processors.

Quite. Unless you extend the idea of "thread" to include what every big
server does really. Note that some languages which have threads built in
can implement their threads without stacks. I'm not sure if Java can be
done that way but it would seem to be worth a try, given it's lack of
async I/O methods.

What do you think of the general scheme I described above, for
automatically balancing the number of machine threads for running event

> : Then IBM would have nothing to bitch about -- their Java context
> : switches would be _really_ fast and everything would run with equivalent
> : performance.
> This is just wall papering over a bad benchmark.

Look at it this way. Any web server written in Java has to use lots of
threads to paper over the lack of select() in the language. Whether
it's a benchmark or not.

> : That way threads can continue to use kernel facilities with the same ease
> : of use as clone(), but if they block, it's easy for the application
> : level to get on with something else. Without having to have lots of
> : kernel level threads runnable -- which is less efficient anyway.
> Have you ever maintained such a system? It really is a pain to have
> both user level and kernel level semantics. You get into all sorts of
> nasty issues which need to be solved. I much prefer the cleanliness of
> the clone()/rfork() model. I don't care if apps want to build wacky
> stuff on top of that model, but I'd hate to see that wacky stuff being
> part of a supported user level API. Those sorts of things tend to be
> a real support nightmare over the years.

Do you think my event handler method has those kinds of warts?
I've done that in real "toy server" programs (the event handler list
that is, not the automatic thread creation), and I found it very clean.

It seems to many a select loop which is running over a list of fds and
"what to do with the fd when it's available for X" function pointers and
states is quite a clean programming model. In fact I think most
select() based servers work that way.

It simply adds flexibility to grant those functions the ability to
block, if that looks like an easier way to implement something (e.g. so
they can call gethostbyname()). You would _prefer_ them to use their
state machines as much as they because blocking is more expensive, but
it's there when you need it. Making it automatic means you don't get a
hit due to paging, and you don't have to protect every possible place
that _might_ block with the overhead that implies.

I don't see any warts or wackiness at the application API level at all.

have a nice day,
-- Jamie

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