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SubjectRe: Accountability
On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, David Parsons wrote:
> > So to get back to the MAIN topic, we DON'T want Linux ever being developed like
> > an MS product where with each service pack comes New and Improved bugs (and
> > security holes).
> You might as well give up on Linux now, because we already have
> patches going out that introduce new and improved bugs. That's
> life, and you're going to have to deal with it.

I think what he means is: with NT, you get a service pack once every 6
months or so, that attempts to both introduce new features and fix bugs.
Which at that latter it fails at.
With Linux, you get new features in the development kernels, then you get
a feature freeze, and finally you get a code freeze where all of the bugs
are ironed out. And if even that is not good enough for you, you can al-
ways use the stable series where even more bugs get fixed.
If you don't want new features, but you want stability instead, stick with
the stable kernels.

Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny

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