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SubjectRe: Linux 2.2.13pre6
On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Alan Cox spewed into the bitstream:

> > Two questions... are the memory leak problems fixed in pre6 and what's happening
> > with the SCSI problems you've been talking about and the fdomain.o bug?
> The memory leak seems to be sorted.

We've got an SMP machine running 2.2.12 which was having a hell of a time
running (mem leak!) with 2.2.11 and now 2.2.12. It's got a DAC960 raid device in
it with 12GB of disk for the array and it's serving mail for about 5K users (and
that's all it does). Anyway it has to be re-booted every 8 to 12 hours or it
will fall over because of the leak. Which kernel should we get and run to fix
this? We're currently running 2.2.12-6smp.i686 from the Lorax Beta from Red Hat.
We just installed this kernel today and it appears to have the same problem. I
just checked the box and it was rebooted 47 minutes ago so I guess the new
kernel didn't fix the leak. Here's the meminfo on it:

total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached:
Mem: 330338304 75452416 254885888 27279360 36995072 19341312
Swap: 65024000 0 65024000
MemTotal: 322596 kB
MemFree: 248912 kB
MemShared: 26640 kB
Buffers: 36128 kB
Cached: 18888 kB
SwapTotal: 63500 kB
SwapFree: 63500 kB

> The future domain/scsi stuff isn't going to get solved that rapidly. In
> 2.3.18 the scsi layer is getting cleaned up and tidied. That should
> eventually reveal how a command is getting queued in some cases when its not
> allowed to be.

Okay... I have a box sitting here for testing which has the fdomain.o driver (I
won't take it down or change it until this problem is identified!). Let me know
if there's anything I can do to help.

Chuck Mead, CTO, MoonGroup Consulting, Inc. <>
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