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SubjectRe: no driver change for 2.4?
Hi Alan.

>> I can't speak for the Netherlands as I don't know what goes on
>> there, but here in the UK, it is the hardware alone that is
>> certified, and if the hardware has certification, then any
>> software can be used with it.

> In theory this is not the case. In practice I believe the
> general UK policy is for all companies to feign ignorance in the
> utterly remote case that a telco comes after you. Which works
> for everyone but the very large folks.

When I worked for what was then called Mercury Communications, there
was a long-standing rule that we had to document in detail cases we
came across of customers using non-approved equipment. As far as POTS
equipment was concerned, it was almost routine, but when it came to
ISDN equipment, the general attitude was "Why bother, we can't do
anything about it anyway" since no matter how well we checked the
documentation, OfTel refused to clear them for further action, and we
were shackled as a result...

> Passive TA's in the UK need approval, either the UK approval or
> the EU wide one. The approval is on a card/software combination
> basis and pretty expensive. Sufficiently so that there are
> vendors who ship low end active TA's to avoid the mess.

That I can understand.

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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