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Subjectlinux-2.3.2/arch/i386/boot/*.S rewrite! [PATCH]

i386 kernel, boot assembly code rewrite
- -- --- -- ----- - --- -- --- ----- --
last updated [ Thu May 27 22:09:59 1999 ]

I was pretty bored one lonely day, and decided to brush up on my assembly
knowledge by taking all of the Intel syntax i386 assembly, and rewriting
it in AT&T (gas friendly) syntax.

Pointless? Naw! Here are few good things that came out of it:

o The kernel is no longer dependent on as86/ld86. Wonderful!

o Personally, I find AT&T style much more readable, not to
mention that this is the *only* part of the kernel still using

o build.c is a bit smaller since it doesn't have to mess
with minix style (aka ld86) output.

o It's a patch that *removes* (and cleans up) old code!
Everybody loves those.

Files touched:
arch/i386/boot/compressed/Makefile (removed unneeded -m elf_i386)
(up to date as of kernel v2.3.2) (2.3.3 should work)

1) Ask maintainers if it was alright for me to slash through their
code like this. :)

[ Note: Not for lack of trying.. I just can't seem to get in touch with
Martin Mares, who appears to be the current maintainer; ideas? ]

Testers, comments and blurgs would be much appreciated.

Chris Noe
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