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SubjectRe: Problem in sys_vm86 or QuakeII on 2.2.6?
Meelis Roos wrote:

> FWR> Seems that QuakeII bombs on syscall 166 (sys_vm86) on my 2.2.6 based SMP
> FWR> system (2 PII-350's).
> Do you have VM86 support comiled in the kernel? Sound like it looks for
> missing syscall.
> OTOH why should q2 use vm86? Brrrr...
> --
> Meelis Roos (

Well, I don't see where I can select that in the configuration, but it did
compile vm86.c into vm86.o, Entry.S has in in there, and it's in my
so I'll have to assume that yes, it is compiled in.

Don't know why it would use it. I do know that it doesn't try to unless I try
to run one of the accelerated renderers that use my Moster 3DII board, so it may
have something to do with interrupts or something???

Any other suggestions???

(I could download, compile, and run dosemu to make sure vm86 works, I know that
uses it... Ya think it's necessary?)


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