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SubjectRe: ...anyone seeing strange network black-out since 2.2.2?

Are you crossing routers? Try pinging your router once every two minutes
from the Linux box and see if it goes away.

On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Ian Eure wrote:

} Romano Giannetti wrote:
} >
} > This is just to check: the problem could be local and the fact I
} > expose, just coincidences.
} >
} > Since 2.2.2 I experience strange network lookup: during 5min-20minutes
} > I have a complete black out of connection to all the host that are
} > behind a bridge. It seems that the arp reply is never processed, or
} > received. A host with 2.2.1 on the same cable is working well.
} >
} I have seen some similar problems; on my (1 month old) P2-450, sometimes
} it won't respond to pings for a few seconds, then will magically come
} back. It seems very erratic, and has never caused any serious problems,
} but seems quite odd none the less.
} It usually happens when I'm testing a networking problem on a Win9X/NT
} box; i will ping my linux box to see if the winbox is working, and get
} no reply for a few seconds. The linux box is not doing anything strange
} afaik, and is not usually loaded (except when i'm at the console in
} blender or quake2 ;)
} I'm running kernel 2.2.3, but have noticed this problem with 2.2.1; i
} can't speak for 2.2.2. The system is a P2 (Deschutes) 450 on a
} Supermicro dual-cpu board (but only one cpu) - 128mb SDRAM, all scsi
} system, using the mainboard's dual adaptec 1490UW controllers.
} let me know if there's anything i can do to test.


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