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    Subjecttransparent proxy problem with Linux 2.2.13

    I'm having a weird problem with squid 2.2stable5.
    I have it set up as a transparent proxy on a 2.2.13 box.
    I'm using IP chains to redirect port 80 requests to the proxy on port
    I have IP forwarding enabled and am using the following ipchains command

    /sbin/ipchains -A input -j REDIRECT 8080 -p tcp -s -d 80

    The weird thing is that it works fine for about a day then stops
    No obvious error messages in logs.
    The proxy still works if I contact it explicitly on the proxy port
    rather than using the transparent functionality.
    So networking is still working.

    I get an error message back from the squid about "connection lifetime
    exceeded". So the redirection is still working to some extent as the
    request is reaching the squid.

    I dont think its a squid problem as such as the same version works fine
    under kernel 2.0.36.
    And when the problem occurs, squid is still working.

    So it seems to be some sort of interaction between the IP redirection
    and squid.
    A reboot fixes it, but stopping and restarting squid doesnt.

    I'm trying 2.2.14pre9 at the moment to see if it fixes it.
    I notice that the changes for for 2.2.14pre mentions a transproxy fix.

    Does anyone know if that transproxy problem is likely to have these
    Does anyone have any other suggestions as to what could be causing this.

    Robert Cohen - Network Administrator
    Apex Internet
    Ph (02) 6247 2000 Fax: (02) 6247 2711

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