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SubjectRe: 2.3.29: ramdisk still broken.

On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 06:17:39 +0100 (CET), Mike Galbraith
<> said:

> The way I see it, the ramdisk used to work by making it's data persistent
> in the buffer cache. Today, data doesn't live in the buffer cache, it
> lives in the page cache. Ergo, the task at hand is to figure out how
> to make data in the page cache persistent rather than copying that data
> back and forth.

No. It needs to do more than just behave as an in-memory filesystem: it
needs to behave like a block device. That means that buffer cache
aliases of page cache data still need to work: you need to be able to
run dump or fsck on the ramdisk of a mounted filesystem, for example.
Using a ramdisk to test fs utilities is a legitimate use, and if you
move the ramdisk out of the buffer cache it will just break this (as
well as polluting the page cache semantics).


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