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SubjectRe: [patch] zoned-2.3.28-H2, NFS
On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Benjamin Redelings I wrote:

> It seems like the highmem additions are causing conceptual
> changes (some definately good) in the ARCHITECTURE INDEPENDANT
> code. While it makes some sense to alter the architecture
> independant code in linux/mm, it also kind of seems like the
> highmem stuff should be in arch/i386.

> If you have a few minutes, could you say why the current
> changes make sense, or where they are going?

The arch independant code now has the concept of being able
to allocate from multiple pools of memory, in preferential

This could be very useful for other things than just the
x86 bigmem support. Just think of 32-bits PCI dma, or of
NUMA machines where different parts of memory have a
different access cost to them...

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