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According to my Database vendor, SIGURG is not reliable on Linux systems.  I
don't have the knowledge to know how SIGURG is supposed to work, but
apparently its only delivered once for a given process on a linux system,
while it is delivered as often as signaled for a Solaris system. Does this
make *any* sense? I had a read thru the code in the kernel around signals,
but could not see any place where the URG signal is handled differently from
say, a WINCH or anything else.

Can anyone explain to me the use/intended use of the URG signal. I
personally had never heard of it, but my database vendor claims that its not
reliable on Linux. They are using it to deliver "Stop sending me data" from
api clients to their database.

Jay Thorne Geek at large
GCS d-- s:+ a C++ UL++++ P+++ L+++ E--- W+++ N+ o K-- w--- O- M+ V PS+ PE+
Y+ t+ X-- R tv- b+++ DI++ D- G e++ h- r+++ y+++
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