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SubjectRe: schedule_timeout() semantics/usage?
On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Jeff Garzik wrote:

>Since there is confusion on this subject, does it seem reasonable to
>provide functions to encapsulate this behavior?

I think ksnooze_nowakeups wouldn't be very useful. My point is that if the
code is written with a good design, if you are running schedule_timeout()
while you are also registered for an event, then you _want_ to get the
wakeup from such event. The timeout may be for handling a missed event,
crashed hardware that must be resetted or so on.

You should stay registered in a waitqueue only for the minimal time you
want to catch the wakeup. This will generate the best performance and the
cleaner code (all the VM does so for example).

So if you want to wait some time (and you are not waiting for an event)
usually you are not registered in any waitqueue either, and so the trivial
UNINTERRUPTIBLE way (without the do {} while() loop) is just fine.


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