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SubjectRe: mirroring inconsistency
In <> Riley Williams ( wrote:
> Hi Matt.

>> matti> bunzip2 < your.interesting.tar.bz2 | tar tvv

>> rhw> I can't try that at the moment,

>> BEFORE you make wild statements like the following, PLEASE try it
>> for yourself, before you decide to post your "authoritative"
>> reponse to this mailing list.

> I most certainly DID try doing "man tar" and found the very fact I
> pointed out clearly stated therein. I've just done so again, and I
> quote from the tar manpage:

Q>> :
Q>> -f, --file [HOSTNAME:]F
Q>> use archive file or device F (default /dev/rmt0)

> Perhaps you can advise whether that comment is in YOUR tar manpage as
> well?

Axiom known to EVERY Linux user (hmmm... may be not every after all? hmmm...)
is that man pages for gnu tools are VERY inaccurate. Use info instead.

>> Why is it that the majority of your emails to this list start with
>> "I can't try this at the moment" or "I'm not expert on this" or
>> similar, and you usually end up being wrong?

> Two points:

> 1. I very rarely say either, and I believe this is only the fifth
> time in two years that I've done so. I've posted far more than
> five emails in that time...

Oh yes. Far more. Most are pointless or just plain wrong.

> 2. The evidence indicates that I'm NOT wrong on this occasion as
> the tar manpage appears to state exactly what I said it does.

Yet again: man pages ARE NOT reliable source of information about gnu tools.
So your letter is not wrong this time. Just pointless :-)) As usual...

This is from info file :

-- cut --
By default, `tar' uses an archive file name that was compiled when
it was built on the system; usually this name refers to some physical
tape drive on the machine. However, the person who installed `tar' on
the system may not set the default to a meaningful value as far as most
users are concerned. As a result, you will usually want to tell `tar'
where to find (or create) the archive. The `--file=ARCHIVE-NAME' (`-f
ARCHIVE-NAME') option allows you to either specify or name a file to
use as the archive instead of the default archive file location.
If you use `-' as an ARCHIVE-NAME, `tar' reads the archive from
standard input (when listing or extracting files), or writes it to
standard output (when creating an archive). If you use `-' as an
ARCHIVE-NAME when modifying an archive, `tar' reads the original
archive from its standard input and writes the entire new archive to
its standard output.
-- cut --
and this is from `tar --help` output:
-- cut --
ARCHIVE may be FILE, HOST:FILE or USER@HOST:FILE; and FILE may be a file
or a device. *This* `tar' defaults to `-f- -b20'.
-- cut --

Default name for file is compile-time options and most distributions have it
set as "-" (standard input/output)...

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