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SubjectRe: More than 24 hours beteween send and receive on linux-kernel list
Riley Williams <> wrote:

Hi there.

> Is it normal to get more than 24 hours between the time I send a
> mail to the list a the time I get it back ?

My experience with ALL lists hosted on vger suggests that 36 hours is
the standard...

I must admit that this is becoming a pain, but it's a circular
problem. This list seems to be getting bogged down by about 10 people
reporting each compilation failure (for example, when a #define is
accidentally omitted). If there weren't such a huge lag with the
list, people would see the first report and not bother to report it

So, we get more traffic on the list because it has a slow turnaround.
And yes, I do realise that this list has some very special problems
due to the quantity of traffic and number of subscribers. Maybe we
need a separate "it doesn't compile" list hosted elsewhere to deal
with this specific type of problem.

*Please* reply direct to me, and not the list. There's enough junk on
the list already that doesn't belong.


(Sorry for the delay in responding to this. I seem to have received
400 mails from linux-kernel so far today, and I'm getting very behind.)
Martin Radford |
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