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SubjectRe: C++ in kernel (was Re: exception in a device driver)
In article <000c01be3df6$f721f700$> you write:

>>You'd just have to borrow some of the EGCS library and put it into the
>>Linux 'lib' directory, so it's always available. No biggie.

>It will be a biggy, the unswapable kernel will become much larger in size.
>While I'm on this point, since templates are generate instataneous code for
>any object that happens to use that templatized code, multiple copies of
>what is esentially the same code will be generated; inflating the unswapable
>kernel size even more.

C++ under linux 101: multiple instantiations in different object files get
resolved at link-time thanks to gnu-link-once, unless you mis-controlled
inline at some point.

and C++ standard trick (hell, it's even mentionned prominently in Stroustrup):
it's trivial to use template specialization to ensure that, for instance,
any List<T*> operation gets implemented thru List<void *>, the List<T*> being
there to enforce type safety.

This is *BASIC* C++.

I'll readily admit that C++ is probably not right for the kernel from a human
point of view. But technically ? Do your homework... C++ has changed during the
last ten years, most problems that used to exist have been addressed at one
point or another.

There are techniques being implemented nowadays that avoid code-bloat. The one
I just mentionned for instance. Look in C++ reference texts, for things called
`traits', or `empty base optimization'. These should be standard on almost all
compilers. Good ones such as Kai C++ implement a good enough language that it
can beat Fortran 90 on its homeground, and egcs is getting there awfully fast.

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