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SubjectRe: 5 business advantages of Linux Kernel
> Leam Hall <>:
> I would like your opinions on the 5 most desireable business advantages
> of the Linux Kernel for an upcoming book.

I still wonder:
Could someone selling you the package "editor + mail
reader + WWW browser + operating system + network stack
+ firewall" put a backdoor in your computer(s) to:

- remote control or remote crash it, or generate malfuctions,
on all the computer of a temporary unfriendly company.

- redirect temporary save of your documents onto the network
instead of the local disk (an infortunate bug, the destination
I.P. been a random computer in whatever unknown country) if:
- the document contains words: patent, shares, $<number>
with <number> greater than 100,000
- the mail reader identifies the owner as a "director of
- the internet browser shown that more then 100 Kbytes
are tranfered every day, mostly using WWW - so the
unfortunate bug encapsulate data onto valid HTTP
- There is only one operating system on the computer,
and nobody is watching the network (Winmodem?)
- add whatever you want there, pgp-crypt if you want.

- redirect some mail - unfortunate bugs in the mailservers...

I also still wonder why there is no more new viruses
on the market - what are the old virus programmer doing
and where are they ? It should be quite easy to attack
a system which is completly standardized.

Ok, I am looking too many science fiction films,
security is not a problem and has never been a feature.

<no sig, header modified>

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