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    SubjectRe: tulip driver in 2.1.11* - 2.1.21 is broken - new driver
    "David S. Miller" <> wrote:
    > dev->interrupt I believe falls into a similar category, no code
    > outside of drivers even reference it and for all cases I see it
    > used it is "hey we reentered the interrupt handler, report a
    > debugging message and return" which is complete garbage.
    > So I think dev->interrupt should disappear, and dev->tbusy should stay
    > as is.

    The only instance where I see those re-entrance error
    reports is when the driver has crashed (or something it
    calls has crashed in the system), THEN I see a never-ending
    repetition of these errors as the interrupt driver has
    aborted in surprising way -- usually killing whichever
    process that happened to be in the usermode at the time.

    If the dev->interrupt is removed, then perhaps the
    driver has a change of recovering, or perhaps not, and
    I would see different kind of an error cascade leading
    to completely frozen system.

    The real solution, of course, is to hunt the bugs, and
    fix them.

    > Later,
    > David S. Miller

    /Matti Aarnio <>

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