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SubjectRe: ext2 error
Theo Van Dinter writes the following:
>EXT2-fs error (device 08:11): ext2_find_entry: directory #5996921 contains a hole at offset 5509120

I've had this same error occur several times, on kernels ranging from 2.0.2x
to 2.0.35. In my case it's an IDE drive, and the affected directory is usually
(perhaps always) /var/log, and it usually happens about the same time this
cron job runs:

1 * * * * accttrim -n 1000 /var/log/acct 2>/dev/null || accton /var/log/acct

I haven't ever lost any files from /var/log. I just make a new directory,
move /var/log/* into it (during the glob, ext2_readdir complains about the
holes again), rmdir /var/log, and mv the new directory in its place, and
everything stays happy for a while. (I did run e2fsck the first time I saw
the error. It's been so long I don't remember what the results of that were.)

Is there anything I can do to try to catch these directory "holes" as they
are being created? Any further investigation I can perform that would be

Alan Curry

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