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SubjectRe: Linux 2.1.118 SMP problem

On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> What lock_sock() should really do is
> atomic_inc(&sk->sock_readers);
> synchronize_bh();
> instead of getting the main interrupt lock. The end result is the same,
> but at least this way it's clearer what it tries to do (and I can remove
> the "You don't want to know" comment ;)

When I did this it became fairly obvious that the old code _was_ broken.

I initially tried to be cheezy, and do the "I know this is not strictly
right, but it's the smaller change" version of the above, which didn't
actually make "sock_readers" be atomic, on the assumption that everybody
who tried to lock the socket were inside the kernel lock in a process

That very quickly showed itself to not be true, with various strange and
fun things happening to TCP. And THAT in turn means that the old code was
always buggy, because while the sock_readers increment was protected by
the single irq lock, the decrement wasn't protected by anything at all.

It probably worked well enough because the "cli/sti" thing that protected
the increment also acted as a fairly strong barrier, and as such it was
very unlikely to have races later on during the decrement, but it
certainly looks like the above change to the locking logic is not only the
technically correct one, it also fixes a real bug.

I'll be testing this out some more, but that could have been a cause of
some interesting problems on SMP..


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