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SubjectRe: patch for x86 treatment of fs and gs in signal handlers
In article <> you write:
>Currently the code that sets up the context in which a signal handler
>runs resets both %fs and %gs to __USER_DS. I argue that this is less
>than desirable, if not incorrect.


>In contrast, for x86 we have these two, currently unused, segment regs
>being clobbered for no particular reason I can divine.

They are not clobbered, they are saved in the struct sigcontext passed
to the signal handler.

>This comes up because it interferes with a potential use of %gs we have
>in mind for linuxthreads. That is, %gs is set up at the birth of the
>thread to point to the thread-local data structures, and is thereafter
>left alone.

It is not impossible to use the registers anyway.

WINE has the same problem, since it uses %fs just like Win32 for thread
local storage.

WINE however restores the %fs in signalhandlers from the passed struct
sigcontext which works (including additional checks for signals from 16bit
code) rather good.

Ciao, Marcus

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