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SubjectRe: DCF77 driver available
On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Maximilian Rixius wrote:

> I just wrote a small driver (actually just a line in do_timer() and a
> new entry to the procfs) for my selfmade DCF77 receiver (DCF77 is the
> official German time signal broacast at 77.5kHz).


> My hardware is very simple and cheap; it just demodulates the signal and
> feeds it to a joystick button input.

Even better, that would mean affordable proper timekeeping for
most of us in Europe. And with slight modifications WWVB could
(maybe?) be supported too (for our American friends).

> If anyone's interested I could provide both hardware and software
> documentation.

That would be nice; I think it might be best to pack it
into a HOWTO and make a tarball of the software and the
other documentation. The HOWTO could contain some general
info and the tarball should contain the larger stuff.

(there's a HOWTO-writers HOWTO so you know where to submit
this stuff)

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