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SubjectRe: Linus Speaks About KDE-Bashing
On Mon, 13 Jul 1998, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

> In message <810CCC6435ADD1119E640060085BED6A15DE91@NT_FS1>, Brian Hurt
> writes:
> +-----
> | On Monday, July 13, 1998 2:41 PM, Richard Stallman
> | [] wrote:
> | > Of course, there are thousands of non-free programs, and while this is
> | > unfortunate, we don't spend our time worrying about them. So why is
> | > Qt different? Because Qt sets a trap for free software developers in
> | > a way that most other proprietary programs do not.
> | How is this different from writing free software for, say, MS Windows?
> +--->8
> How, in particular, does this differ from cygwin32?
> No, I don't actually expect a straight answer to that question; the whole
> thing seems to boil down to everyone trying desperately to find ways to
> reject any form of settlement.

No, people are desparately sticking to the text of the GPL. It
is the GPL that is preventing any form of settlement |-<.

> So much for "open source"... it dies in the
> crossfire of two "open source" development groups being PROPRIETARY (I am
> using the term precisely) at each other.

The problem is that the GPL is about much more than open source,
and the other restrictions are killing the core open source "free
software" ideal. We need to strip out that core and junk the rest of the
GPL. See my other posting on a proposal for a new "FreeGPL" license.


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