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SubjectRe: [IDEA] Developers: your opinion badly needed ! (Was: [PATCH] /proc/config.gz)
>>>>> "Riccardo" == Riccardo Facchetti <> writes:

Riccardo> On Sun, 31 May 1998, Peter T. Breuer wrote:
>> Here's a more definitive version of the adaptation of your 2.1.*
>> /proc/config.gz to 2.0.*.

Riccardo> Just one word here.

Riccardo> 5 months ago we have reduced the kernel size rewriting
Riccardo> /proc/pci, moving to lspci all the ascii descriptions for
Riccardo> pci devices, saving us to make a kernel-space ascii
Riccardo> description structure (thank you Martin). Now someone came
Riccardo> out and tell us: hey ... why not include the .config
Riccardo> informations into the kernel ? We can do this way: make a
Riccardo> structure and link it into the kernel.

I haven't looked at the actual patch for this as I just returned from
the Expo and I'm fighting 2500 unread postings to linux-kernel,
however putting .config into the kernel, be it gzipped or not is IMHO
silly and a waste of space. If you really want to do this, add symbols
and a user space program to decode them (however, even then I consider
it a waste of space).

While we are add it I'd actually like to see /proc/sys removed from
the kernel as well. Actually this is not my idea, Donald Becker
mentioned it at Expo. There is a perfectly good user space tool for
performing the same operations and having the kernel analyse text
string inputs is kinda to ask for trouble - it is definately to waste
unnessary memory.


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