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SubjectRe: Update: Linux-2.0.34 "crashme" results
James Mastros wrote:
> > It seems, "crashme" triggers some problem within the AMD CPU, maybe
> > some illegal code halts or crashes the CPU or something like that.
> > (Doesn't this sound familiar? We all remember the problems AMD CPU's
> > had about a year ago!)

> Hmm... but the different systems crashed at very different points, whereas
> if all of them were crashing on some piricular instruction, you would expect
> the time of the crash to scale with the processor speed. (Even though we
> are using a psudo-random string, we are always initing with the same value,
> so we should get the same string, yes?)

It could be that there is a race in the CPU. A race is inherently very
sensitive to the environment. So a tenth of a degree difference in
ambient temperature could make the signal reach the right point in

Andreas, could you try underclocking (one of) your AMD CPUs?


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