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SubjectRe: HW access allowed ?
It just doesn't give every program that happens to run under a specific
uid (say, root) the authority to shoot wherever it wants (including your
foot) but instead let's you specify where (and how much) each program is
allowed to shoot. Then, if you really want to shoot yourself in the
foot, you can set this one program up so that it will fire in the right
direction just once and blow your foot away (and only your foot and not
also your head if you happen to stick your foot in your mouth).

If the program tries to shoot where it's not supposed to, you can call
it an accident.


David Schwartz wrote:
> And how, pray tell, does a _real_ OS determine which trigger squeezes
> are accidental?

Damien Miller wrote:
> i.e "a real OS can telepathically tell whether you really intended to
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda or if it was just an accident"

Brad Keryan wrote:
> A _real_ OS allows you to shoot yourself in the foot even after you go and
> stick your foot in your mouth :)

>Andrej Presern wrote:
> >A _real_ OS doesn't allow you to shoot yourself in the foot if you don't
> >want it to but you accidentally squeeze the trigger.

Andrej Presern,

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